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2018 Class Schedule!

It's finally ready! Presenting... The 2018 Class Schedule! This schedule runs from January 2nd through June 3rd, 2018. (Please stay tuned next week for our special schedule of free classes on New Year's Day!)

As for the 2018 Class Schedule, we've kept it as steady as possible. In fact, there are only two types of changes: some teachers are moving around a bit and some evening class times are shifting by 15 minutes (4:30 p.m. moves to 4:45 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. moves to 6:00 p.m.). Otherwise, all the classes are staying in their current spots. Here are details:

  • Adria is taking over the MWF 8:30 a.m. Moderate classes from me.*
  • Asha is taking over the TT 8:30 a.m. Moderate classes from Adria.
  • Adria is taking over the TT 10:30 a.m. Gentle classes from Emily, who is taking a temporary break from teaching classes.
  • Our TT 4:30 p.m. Moderate classes move to 4:45, and Tammy is taking those over from Debbie.
  • All the 6:15 p.m. weekday classes move to 6:00 p.m. to make space for us to offer longer Beginners Series in the evenings.
  • Cinzia is taking over the TT 6:00 p.m. Moderate classes from Adria.
  • Lk is taking over the W 6:00 p.m. Strong class from Amal.
  • I'll be teaching a new Sun 6:45 a.m. Moderate class, so I'm working on hiring a new teacher to take over my Saturday 8:00 a.m. Gentle class. If I don't find the right person in time, I'll keep teaching the class until I do.
  • Amal is taking over the Sunday 8:00 a.m. Strong class from Debbie.

Whew, that does seem like a lot of changes.

* Honestly, a lot of the change was precipitated by me. When I came back from the second module of my training in India, my perspective of my teaching shifted a lot. I've been teaching primarily group classes for the past 10 years, and I have learned a lot from teaching this format.

But I realize now that at this stage, my teaching is most effective in a one-to-one setting. I love to customize and fine-tune the practice to the needs of the student so that they can work toward and achieve their goals. I recognize that this may not make sense to most yoga practitioners, so I'll elaborate a bit more.

In a typical group class, the students are primarily working on improving their strength and flexibility. There is also a component of stress-management and relaxation built in. This format is great for people who are mostly healthy.

Many of my students who I see in Individual Sessions are working with some sort of special issue or situation. It may be a health issue like Fibromyalgia, diabetes, a heart condition, chronic pain, or trouble balancing. It might be anxiety brought on by excessive stress. It might be a complicated work and travel schedule that makes it impossible for them to come to group classes. It might be someone who is interested in learning how to adapt the group class instruction for a particular issue they're facing. It might be a longtime practitioner who is ready to deepen their practice beyond what they can learn in a group class. For these people, I can create a customized practice to help them reach their goals, whatever they may be.

This is why in January I'll begin reducing the number of group classes I teach, so I can make space in my schedule for more Individual Instruction students. And in fact, in 2018 almost all the teachers on our staff will be available to teach Individual Sessions.

If you're interested in trying out Individual Instruction in 2018, either as an occasion supplement to your group classes, or as a new way of practicing, be sure to take advantage of the Holiday Special we're offering this month only. We're currently booking sessions for January.

I'd be happy to hear your comments or answer any questions about our new Class Schedule or Individual Instruction. You can reach me here.

I look forward to seeing you!