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do Less

Did you know that it’s ok to do less? Between work responsibilities, home responsibilities, parenting responsibilities, and everything we absorb from the media and social media, we’ve somehow gotten to a place where we feel like we need to do everything, and do everything well. But guess what? You really don’t.

You don’t have to volunteer for every event at your kid’s school.

You don’t have to contour your face.

You don’t have to cook every meal from scratch.

You don’t have to throw Pinterest-worthy birthday parties.

You don’t have to wear shapewear.

You don’t have to create posts using the latest TikTok trends.

You can do these things if you WANT to. But you don’t HAVE to.

Tell all your friends: It’s ok to do less than what you’re capable of. It’s ok to take time to relax. It’s ok to set boundaries that help you feel peaceful and ENJOY LIFE.

Tomorrow I’ll tell you about the connection between yoga and real life, and how yoga can help you get comfortable choosing to do less.

And if you’re already all in and ready to practice yoga with me, click the Yoga tab at the top of the page!
