We'd Love to Hear From You!

When I opened The Yoga Room in 2010, I knew every single student by name. I knew which classes they liked best and why, what issues they had going on in their bodies, and sometimes I even knew a little bit about their work and/or families.

The studio grew, we added teachers, we added classes, but even after the first 2-3 years I still knew almost every single student.

Now, 6 years later, we've grown even more. Sometimes students walk in and out of thestudio and I have no idea who they are! 

Back when the studio was small and I knew almost everyone, it was relatively easy for me to know how to plan our classes and workshops. But now that there are so many students, and so many students I've never met, it's become so much more challenging.

And while I know it's not possible for me to personally know every single one of thethousands of people who've come through our door, I do want to stay connected and tuned in as much as possible.

That's why this week we put together a survey so we can learn a little more about you and your preferences when it comes to yoga. We'd love if you'd take 3 minutes to answer questions like When are your favorite class times? And, Are there other class types you'd like to see on our schedule?

Here's the link to the quick 10 question survey.

And on the honor system, if you do take the time to send us your feedback, you can use Promo Code survey16 to take $5 off a 5 or 10 Class Pass or a 1 or 3 Month Unlimited Pass, or a BeginnersPrenatal, or Therapeutics Series, before Jan 31. Or if you're on a Monthly Unlimited Pass, send us a note and we'll take $5 off your next month.

Traveling to India Soon
On a totally different topic, I want to let you know that I'm going to India soon. If you've been receiving this newsletter for a while, you probably know that I visited India in June and took a week of training at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai.

KYM is the oldest modern yoga school in the world and they specialize in therapeutic yoga and customizing theyoga practice to meet theneeds of the practitioner. I've been influenced by their teaching methods ever since my first visit there in 2007, and after my visit in June I decided to apply for their 500 hour International YogaTeacher Training Program.

After a long application process and interview, I was accepted into the program, and the training begins January 2ndThe training is comprised of three 4-week sessions, so for the first session I'll be away for theentire month of January.

I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I know I'll learn a ton and I'll bring back new knowledge to share with the TYR teachers and students. But I'm also nervous to be so far away from my children for such a long period of time, and to be traveling solo in a country where I don't speak their primary language. It will be an adventure, for sure.

I'll continue to write this weekly newsletter while I'm away and I'll post photos and stories from India on our Instagram and Facebook pages. The Yoga Room will be in the capable hands of our reception and teaching staff, and if you need anything you can contact Di and Adria at info@rryogaroom.com.

And now, just in case you got distracted by my India news, here's the link to the survey for your convenience! ;)

See you soon!

P.S. If you see me at the studio sometime, I'd love to put a face with your name. Please take a minute to say a quick hello. I'll probably ask you how you spell your name - that's the trick that helps me remember people's names. :)