I've Been Laying Low, But Now I'm Back

I hope you’re having a lovely week! I haven't talked about it much, but I've had kind of a hard time readjusting to my real life here in the US after I got back from India at the end of January. I've been kind of laying low and keeping to myself while I figure things out. Now I'm feeling more settled, so I feel ready to start talking about it: why I've had a hard time, what I've learned, how I've adjusted, and how I've changed. Really, a lot of it is due to the yoga philosophy I learned while I was away.

I will start to write about these yoga/life lessons in the coming weeks, and I'll also be sharing stories at Reflections from India on Saturday, March 4. Please mark your calendar and come join me! Details in the section below.

In the meantime, I hope your practice is going great. If you need any help, come see us for a class or for private instruction. Often, a single private session is enough to get you back on track!

Last thing, today I finished a paper on the Effect of Yoga on Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability, which is a homework assignment for the teacher training program I'm attending in India. You might be interested in reading it, especially if you have heart disease or if someone close to you has heart disease. You can read the paper here.

Have a great week! We look forward to seeing you soon!


P.S. - We're excited to announce our new Therapeutics Newsletter that will launch next week! Therapeutic Yoga is yoga customized to your needs and goals. In this newsletter we'll send out videos and tips about customized, therapeutic yoga. Click here to sign up!