Life Lessons Learned While Handstanding

It's really incredible the life lessons we learn on our mats. But the thing is, we have to actually practice, earnestly, and consistently, to even begin to observe the lessons we learn on our mats and understand how those lessons can translate into valuable lessons for our real lives. I've been going through some big personal stuff over the last few months and, surprisingly, my 365 day handstand challenge has been providing me some powerful lessons. I was chatting with a yoga teacher friend about this the other day and she said, "My practice is my best teacher. I just have to remember to listen."

We all go through personal struggles at some point, and I want you to know that yoga is a great tool for working through your stuff. Just like you might see a psychologist, or a massage therapist, or an acupuncturist, to help manage your stress and sort out your issues, a consistent yoga practice can also be a useful tool in your body, mind, and spirit self-care.

sprouts handstand collage

One morning last week I was doing my handstanding practice and I noticed that in the moment right before I fall, there's a split-second pause, a moment in which I make a choice.

I can choose to panic, in which case I'll certainly fall.

Or I can choose to pause, be patient, not panic, and gently engage the muscles in my hands, and then there are two possible outcomes - I might still fall, or I might actually be able to hold on and balance a while longer.

Even in that split second right before I fall, there is time and space to make a conscious choice.

And I realized that it's the same thing when dealing with big issues in life.

In a moment or period of stress, a knee jerk reaction will probably cause some kind of a big mess, but if you take a second or a minute or an hour or a day or even a week, to create some space, you can move forward in a way that allows you to maintain your peace.

Zelinda 2013XO, Zelinda



P.S. Be sure to check out our new Fall Class Schedule. We've got 45 opportunities per week for you to join us on your mat. And if none of those 45 opportunities works for your schedule or needs, give us a call to talk about Private Lessons. :)