Yoga for Stressed Out Mommies

This week I'm on a road trip with my family. We're driving 6 hours north to visit my sister, and as we all know, a 6 hour trip turns into an 8 hour trip when you're traveling with small children. Frequent stops are needed for meals, snacks, potty breaks, and to counteract boredom. Coincidentally, this week I'm bringing you Yoga for Stressed Out Mommies ;) One of our students, Tami, suggested this week's topic. Thank you Tami for the great idea!

This nine and a half minute video is a complete practice designed especially for stressed out stay-at-home or working moms who have limited time to for their self-care. While it's geared for moms, this video is also great for anyone who wants a short, restful, relaxing practice they can do at home.

For moms, this video is perfect for when your kids are napping, playing contently, watching a video, or just before your own bedtime. Find a little time to take care of yourself - you'll be amazed at how much more relaxed, centered, and peaceful you can feel in just 10 short minutes!

So now, please let me know what topic YOU'D like to see me or any of the other TYR teachers address in a video or blog post. We love to hear from you! Just leave us a Comment below or send us an email and let us know your request. As an added bonus, you get a free class when we use your topic!

Also, if you like this video and if you think it might be useful for a friend, please send them the link to this page!

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Lots of love, Zelinda

P.S. If this video inspired you to focus on your wellness, check out this weekend's Exploring the Breath workshop with master teacher Sadani Houtz. Knowledge about how to breathe well can change your life!