by Francine Harris
I blame my son you see. I had my after work schedule all figured out to attend the 6:15 pm Gentle yoga class. Nope. At 6:15 I was sitting in a meeting about how to get college credit during high school summers at ACC. Not me, my son.
Anyway, it was either skip going altogether today or face "Hatha II" (cue hysterical scream). I haven't attended a Hatha II class. Ever. I consider myself to be one of those floating between Gentle and Hatha I yoga types. But if I am going to meet my 30 classes in 40 days challenge, I am going to have to attend other classes. As expected, it was very challenging for me, but I was pretty proud of how I was holding my own. But then Beth said, "How'd you like to try a hand stand?"
Excuse me??? A what?? Didn't you just now see my quivering muscles during plank pose??
Beth walked us through the steps. I was impressed by and proud of those in the class who attempted it. Me? I'm still working on being able to touch my toes.
By the way, tonight was class number 6, That means I am one fifth of the way through the 40 Day Challenge. I don't think I have ever made it one fifth of the way through anything with the word "challenge" in it before.
Francine Harris is an 18 year veteran teacher for RRISD, wife of 23 years, and mom of a 14 year old daughter and 16 year old son. Opinions expressed here are her own.