I’m Interested in Teacher Training But…

I hope you’re having a great day today!

After my trip to India earlier this summer, I’m even more excited about our teacher training program! I experienced a very high quality of instruction at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, and I now see our program through new eyes.

In teacher training you’ll learn about Krishnamacharya, the father of modern yoga. Krishnamacharya believed that the yoga practice must be customized to the individual, and having studied at KYM 9 years ago, his philosophy has had a great influence on my own teaching. Krishnamacharya was a brilliant teacher, and his students went on to create many of the current popular styles of yoga, including Ashtanga and Iyengar.

In designing our 200 Hour Teacher Training program, it was a priority of Emily’s and mine to provide straightforward, science-based, traditional instruction. We believe that in order to become a quality yoga teacher, one needs a solid foundation of knowledge, including anatomy, asana, philosophy, and languaging.

What I saw and learned at KYM made me realize that we are definitely on the right path. Our Therapeutics-based program follows the philosophy of customizing the yoga practice to suit the student. You’ll learn critical thinking so that you can teach the students who show up in your class, whether they are young or old, thin or fat, and whether they have any issues, injuries or disabilities.

This week Emily and I kick off Teacher Training Tuesdays. At 11:00 a.m. CST every Tuesday we’ll host a 15-30 minute Fecebook lifestream and talk about various topics related to teacher training, including instruction on asana, philosophy, current events, and Q&A. We’d love to hear from you! Please let us know if you have any topics you’d like us to address.

Last week we did a test run to see how Facebook Live works, and it’s really great! If you “like” our page, you’ll get a notification when the lifestream begins. Then you can post comments and we can answer them on the spot. If you miss the lifestream, it’s no problem because the video is recorded and posted on our Facebook page so you can watch it later.

Here’s the video from last week’s broadcast. It addresses common concerns people have when they’re interested in registering for teacher training, like whether they need to be able to do advanced postures and what if they have a schedule conflict with one of the class dates.

Join us for today’s video at 11:00 if you can! We look forward to seeing you soon!

Have a great day!