Join Us for The Yoga Project in October!

Raise your hand if your life is really busy. Yep, me too. With all the stuff that we have to take care of on a daily basis, how are we supposed to find time for our own self care?

Well, in honor of our 6th Anniversary, next month we're running a brand new program that will help you out with that. The Yoga Project is a month-long free guided course to help you figure out how to find time for a daily yoga practice. With a combination of in-studio classes and home practice, you can practice yoga every day and maximize your wellness.

It seems counterintuitive, but daily yoga practice makes you feel like there are more hours in your day because you're more productive. Your mind is more focused and sharp and you can finish tasks more quickly with less time wasted.

Daily yoga practice reduces aches and pains, and improves strength, flexibility, and balance.

And, perhaps most importantly, daily yoga practice reduces your stress level, improves your ability to manage stressors, and improves your body's ability to process stress. And speaking of stress, it's just the worst. Stress can have a very harmful effect of your mind and body. It can cause anxiety, panic attacks, weight gain, disturbed sleep, poor health, and even disease. It's so, so important to get our stress under control. It's a high priority for me, personally, because I want to be healthy and live a long life.

I'd love, love, love, to have you join me for The Yoga Project. You can read more about it here.

On another topic, I'm super excited to announce that our new website goes live today!

It's a funny story about how this new website came to be. Two weeks ago I was talking with my team (have I mentioned lately how awesome they are?) about a few minor website edits and updates we need to make.

Pichi, our graphic design and website wizard, said she was over some of the design elements (and I was getting there too) we put into the website last year when we had the site professionally overhauled so that it would be mobile-friendly. That overhaul was expensive, time consuming, stressful, and a lot of work on our (read: Pichi's) part.

So you can imagine my concern when Pichi said she was going to "play around" with our website and create some mock ups. Well, the mock ups were GREAT and on a whim, she suddenly redesigned our whole site on a new platform overnight. I was shocked when she showed me a finished product the next day. I think it looks awesome. Clean, neat, fresh and modern. She says it was easy. I think she's magic.

Click around our new site and let me know what you think! And make sure to check out The Yoga Project page so you can join us in creating your own personal daily yoga practice in October!

All my best,