Greetings from India! I'll be writing to you from here for the next 3-4 weeks while I visit family. I'm so grateful for the awesome TYR team who is running the studio in my absence!
This week I'd like to share a new video we recorded, Yoga for High School Athletes. This school year we had the honor of working with the Round Rock High School girls' soccer teams. Emily, our Director of Teacher Training, taught a weekly class for the girls and together they worked through issues typical to soccer players, namely tightness in the hips and legs due to ongoing running, strength training, and playing.
In this video, Emily highlights 3 poses for the hips, quads, and hamstrings. These are perfect not only for soccer players, but also for athletes that do a lot of running or strength training, and also for athletes who play asymmetrical sports such as baseball, golf, and tennis, to name a few.
Later this month, Emily will teach a 4 week series on Yoga for High School Athletes. If your high school athlete is interested in summer cross training that will help improve flexibility and performance, and reduce the likelihood of injuries, please click here to learn more.
India Trip
Today was my second day in India. We're recovering from jet lag and I'm recovering from a pretty deep cut to my thumb. It was a kitchen accident - I was cutting a melon. (PSA: be extra careful when cutting with a kitchen knife you're not used to!)
I'm practicing slowing down while I'm here, recommitting to a daily asana practice, and reconnecting with myself. It's a long-overdue opportunity for reflection and growth, and I'm really grateful for it. I'll also be studying at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai during the week of June 13th.
I'll be posting about my trip on my personal and the studio's Facebook pages, and probably some on our Instagram page as well. Please send me a friend request if you'd like to hear about my random observations about India, and like/follow us on Facebook and Instagram to hear about my yoga-related experiences and learnings.
All my best,
P.S. Don't forget our Summer Schedule starts today!