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Kristen is a full-time English teacher, part-time yoga teacher, all-the-time lover of reading, mom of a kind six-year old, and wife to a wonderful husband.

Kristen began her yoga experience as a teenager and then had a fuller experience in college when she chose it as an elective. It was a revelation for her. The wellness effects of yoga convinced her to continue practicing after her class at college ended. She is quite certain that besides her family and friends, yoga is what helped her survive her first year teaching high school.

As Kristen continued in her personal practice of yoga, she found The Yoga Room when she started working at a high school in Round Rock. The welcoming atmosphere and inclusive approach helped her to see that yoga was not about what you are supposed to be or look like in a pose but what and who you are in each moment. Since yoga helped her manage anxiety and stress at difficult times in life when nothing else worked, she started to wonder how she could share what she gained from yoga with her students. To help her feel more qualified to do this, Kristen enrolled in The Yoga Room’s 200 Hour Teacher Training in 2017. Thanks to that program, she continues to incorporate aspects of yoga into her classroom to improve the well-being of her students.

In 2018, when she was offered the chance to teach at the studio that felt like home for so many years, Kristen took it. In her classes, she strives to embody the philosophy that yoga is for everyone and that no matter a person’s situation, there is a way for yoga to help them. She prefers to teach using short sequences that combine movement with breath. Teaching adults at her weekly classes has been a fun, new experience for Kristen, and she continues to seek out any opportunity to share yoga with middle and high school students.