sample our classes
We offer a variety of classes and teaching styles. Click on the images below to see a 10-15 minute sample of each class! When you’re ready to sign up, register on our Class Schedule page.
This gentle chair-based yoga class is accessible to everybody. The practice can be done seated on a chair and some parts may be done standing if you choose. The teacher will offer variations and you can select what is best for you.
A slower pace makes this class appropriate for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Our Gentle classes are designed especially for people who:
Have difficulty transitioning between standing and lying on the floor,
Have difficulty balancing on one foot,
Are uncomfortable sitting or lying on the floor for more than a couple of minutes,
Are uncomfortable kneeling,
Have recently been cleared to exercise after illness or surgery, and/or
Prefer a gentler yoga practice.
Thank you for your interest in our Yoga for Bigger Bodies online class! We developed this class in response to the enthusiasm with which our Yoga for Bigger Bodies videos were received on our YouTube channel. While all classes at The Yoga Room are appropriate for people with all types of bodies, this new Yoga for Bigger Bodies class is specially designed with bigger bodies in mind. With her friendly, inclusive, and respectful teaching style, Zelinda guides students through sequences of postures that are both accessible and challenging. Students can expect to improve strength and flexibility, reduce tension, and calm their mind. As with all our yoga classes, Zelinda offers variations and modifications so that every person can customize the practice in a way that works best for their unique body.
Our Moderate classes are appropriate for both beginners and experienced practitioners. These classes are more physically challenging and are designed for people who:
Can easily transition between standing and lying on the floor,
Are comfortable standing, kneeling, squatting, and balancing on one foot, and
Are comfortable sitting and lying on the floor.
Designed for experienced practitioners who are seeking a stronger yoga practice, our Strong classes may include faster paced sequences and/or stronger postures.