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Four Days Left for the Holiday Special!

A couple of weeks ago I received a quick Facebook message from one of my Individual Instruction students, a very busy working mother of two young children.

What a pleasure to read her words! Her dedication to her yoga practice is paying off with more relaxation and greater peace of mind.

Individual Instruction is not how people typically practice yoga in the US, but we're doing our best to get the word out! So much benefit can be gained from Individual Sessions.

In case you're curious, here's how it works...

Your teacher designs and documents a customized practice to help you reach your goals, then you practice on your own at home. After about 2-4 weeks you come back in, update your teacher on how your practice and goals are progressing, and she makes adjustments to keep you moving forward. And so it goes.

Sometimes people are concerned about the relatively higher price of Individual Instruction as compared to classes on our Class Schedule. The truth is, Classes and Individual Instruction work out to about the same amount on a monthly basis.

People who use the Monthly Unlimited Pass to attend Classes pay $105 per month. Individual Sessions cost $75 (or less if you purchase a package), but then you practice "for free" the rest of the month with your customized home practice. If you attend an individual session every 2-4 weeks, the pricing is very comparable.

If Individual Instruction sounds like something you might be interested in, you canclick here for more information.

And as a reminder, we're offering a discount on all Individual Sessions and Packages throughout the end of the month.

You can purchase your Individual Instruction sessions at the studio or online usingthe discount code yoga2018.

When you're ready to schedule your session(s), please email us:

  • a short description of what you'd like to work on
  • your availability in 2018 (days of the week and times)

We recommend letting us propose a teacher who will best suit your needs and goals, but if you have a teacher preference please let us know and we'll do our best to accommodate your request.

If you have any questions, please send me an email and I'll get back to you soon.

All my best,