Grateful for Yoga!

One silver lining to this challenging year is that our little yoga studio has been able to expand our reach beyond our four walls to like-minded people across the country and around the world. Today we'd like to share the story of one of our students, Cindy, who practices with us online from her home in Michigan.

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Well done, Cindy! Your dedication to your practice and your health is inspiring to us all. Keep up the great work!

friend, take time for yourself this weekend and join us for an online class. We look forward to seeing you!

Happy holidays to you and yours,

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P.S. Don't forget to take advantage of our Small Business Saturday offers on November 28th!

We're Moving!

I wanted to let you know that I’ve begun looking for a new studio space for The Yoga Room.

We haven’t been able to use our existing space for classes since March and it’ll probably be a little longer until we feel safe to reopen, plus our lease is up for renewal, so it’s the perfect time to make a change.

Online classes will continue as scheduled, and I’ll keep you posted about our grand re-opening.

Sale This Saturday (and pick up your mug!)

We do have quite a bit of merchandise on hand, including mats, bolsters, eye pillows, skincare, and more, so we'll be having a sale this Saturday from 8:00 a.m. - noon. Everything will be marked down, so please stop by and pick up some yoga treats for yourself. If there's something in particular you're looking for or want us to hold for you, please let us know.

And if you've stashed your coffee mug at the studio, you can also pick it up during this time. If you can't make it during this time but want us to hold on to your mug for you, please send us a quick note. Mugs that are left over will be donated.

On another note, stay tuned this week for our Small Business Saturday sale announcement!

See you soon,

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