Multi-ethnic leftovers for dinner! Dhal made by the apartment staff, "Mexican" rice made by me, and pico de gallo made by me. I even found locally made tortilla chips at the fancy international grocery store! Oh, and of course fresh pineapple juice. :)I'm learning some cooking tips from the apartment staff (just 2 guys) and today I showed them how I make rice and salsa
Hand washed my laundry and hung it to dry on the balcony.
This is the sweet cow I talked about at the 20 minute mark of the video I posted earlier/last night.
View out of a 3rd floor window at KYM.
I pass by this driveway every day on the way to school. The woman on the left seems to be the gatekeeper. I'm not sure, as she doesn't speak English and I don't speak Tamil. Anyway, every day by 7:00 a.m. she draws two large and beautiful rangoli on the driveway - one in color and one in white. In school I learned that rangoli are one of many types of offerings made in the Indian culture. This particular offering is a blessing for everyone in the area. The rangoli is traditionally drawn with rice flower so that the birds can eat it and also be blessed. How sweet is that? The new color powders are made with artificial ingredients and are not for the birds. This lady and her rangoli bring me such joy every day that on this particular day I decided to do something nice for her. I brought her a garland of jasmine flowers to wear in her hair. I think I'll keep up the kindness. I'll have to think of something to bring her tomorrow. Maybe a fruit. :)
This is the beginning of the Yoga Sutras. It is the most important text on yoga. I have to chant the first chapter (51 verses) for one of my assessments at the end of the month. So far we've learned up to verse 30, but it's still kind of rocky and we have a long way to go.
Hmm. Rs 700 ($10) for Haggen Dazs or Rs 140 ($2) for Arun ice cream. I'll go with Arun. (This is a small container of about 2C) :)