Pictured: Cherie Hotchkiss, yoga teacher at Your Own Gentle Approach in Minnesota.
Last weekend I traveled to St. Louis for the Accessible Yoga Conference. What is Accessible Yoga? It's yoga that is taught in such a way that all people can participate. Accessible Yoga is inclusive of all people - people with visible and invisible disabilities, people with all body shapes, people of all ages, people of all sexual orientations, people of color, people of all religions, and people of all socio-economic backgrounds.
And while The Yoga Room has always been about Yoga for EveryBody, I still learned a lot at the conference. I learned A LOT about disability rights, I learned how to make yoga accessible and beneficial for people with spine injuries and paralysis. I learned about the importance of accessible spaces. And I felt really blessed to hear yoga teachers and yoga therapists from around the world speak about how they make yoga accessible for their students.
It was an incredible experience to be in community with hundreds of yoga teachers and yoga therapists who share our belief that EveryBody can practice yoga. I felt like everyone I met became my new friend.
Stay tuned for more to come about Accessible Yoga!
We've got some great programming coming up this weekend! Click here for details and/or to register for any of the following...
Mindfulness for Kids, Saturdays 9:15 - 10:00 a.m.
Yoga for Headaches & Migraines, Sundays 9:15 - 10:15 a.m.
Yoga for School Teachers - Sundays 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
We've been notified by our landlord that they will be refinishing the parking lot sometime in the next few weeks, depending on weather. If you arrive to our building and find the parking lot blocked off, please know that you can park anywhere in the complex and come on up.
We hope to see you this weekend!