By Sarah Cook
Is this really the end of the 40-day challenge? Those days and classes flew by quicker than expected, and suddenly, we were all gathering at The Yoga Room to celebrate. Great food, terrific people, and a sense of community that was amazing. Many observations and thoughts were shared, but the recurring theme of the evening was about the warm community that we have built at The Yoga Room. It was clear to me that many of us are drawing strength not only from the yoga practice, but from the relationships we have built with our classmates and the teachers. The Yoga Room with its soft golden walls and inviting light has become a bit of a sanctuary… where we can gather for our practice and let the worries of modern civilization melt away for an hour. For many of us, it is the only time of the day that we are not tethered to our mobile phone. Time just for us.
Zelinda asked me if I was surprised that I completed the challenge (as you recall… I confessed to be a yoga-hater at the beginning of the challenge). I laughed. I am far too type A to take on a challenge like this and not complete it. In fact, I’ve been mourning the end of the challenge a bit. Something about having a goal and finding the discipline to obtain it is empowering. Do I still hate yoga? Sure, I still get a little antsy and check the clock every once in a while. I think about all the things I have going on at work and home. But, it is the days I don’t do yoga that I realize I cannot possibly hate it… because I miss it so much. Maybe it is a love-hate kind of relationship. Saturday morning I made the decision to skip yoga class so I could be home to help my teenage son get ready for his UIL contest. Got him breakfast at Starbuck’s and did important Mom tasks like locate the grey socks that go with his suit and confirm that he had his cufflinks on correctly. Then, it was off for a road trip (him to Bryan and me on to Houston). I cannot tell you how happy I was to make it home in time for the Sunday evening class!
The challenge worked. I built a habit, and it is one that I intend to keep for the rest of my life. I’ve found a kinder, gentler way of exercising where I can build strength and flexibility without pounding on my body. But more than that, I’ve figured out a way to, at least sometimes, turn off the noise and focus on what is really going on with not only body but my mind and my heart. I want to thank all of you, classmates and teachers, who have taken this journey—but especially Zelinda—who had the vision to create this community that enriches our lives and strengthens our bodies (every body) and souls. So, to answer the question “Is this really the end?” I say “No, it is just the beginning.” Namaste.
Sarah Cook is a Senior Product Marketing Consultant for Dell Storage. Opinions expressed here are her own.