This is week 2 of our 3 week blog series all about therapeutic yoga. Last week I told you what therapeutic yoga is and who it's good for. This week I'm introducing our therapeutics-inspired teachers and sharing an overview of their styles and specialties, and next week we'll award a $100 gift certificate to the winner of our Yoga Success Stories contest. There's still time to register for the contest - just submit the story of your yoga win via email, a comment on our blog, a comment on our Facebook page, or drop us a note at the front desk in the studio. You can submit any kind of win at all, any improvement you've experienced in your life or body since you started practicing yoga.
So let's get into this week's topic! Every teacher at The Yoga Room has had extensive training, lots of teaching experience, and is warm, welcoming, and kind, but since we're in the middle of our Blog Series on therapeutic yoga, I wanted to make sure to introduce our therapeutics-focused teachers and their areas of expertise.
Angela has been teaching at The Yoga Room pretty much since the time we opened. She is a sweet and fun lady who loves learning and teaching about breathing and anatomy. Angela's therapeutic classes include Gentle Yoga and Chair Yoga. She teaches Gentle throughout the week and Chair Yoga on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. In addition, she also offers private lessons for
- Improving breathing
- Recovering from joint or back injury or surgery
- Reducing joint or back pain
Here's a video we recorded in Angela's Chair Yoga class this morning. It gives you an idea of what a Chair Yoga class looks like. The poses shown in the video are all sitting poses, but often Angela teaches standing poses that use the chair as a prop or for balance.
Chair Yoga is great for people of all ages and conditions. If you have challenges with balance, if you don't enjoy sitting down on the floor, if your energy level is low, or if your body is really tight, Chair Yoga is an excellent choice for you.
To learn more about Angela, click here.
Vanessa has been teaching at The Yoga Room for a couple of years now. She is our expert on Yoga for Fibromyalgia because in addition to being trained as a yoga teacher, she has done a lot of research and used yoga to successfully manage the symptoms of her own Fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions. You can read more about Vanessa on her bio page. In addition, she offers private lessons for
- Managing chronic pain (arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, etc.)
In this video Vanessa and I discuss her new Yoga for Pain Management class that she offers on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. on an on-going basis and her upcoming six-week Yoga for Fibromyalgia series that will be Mondays from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. starting August 18th.
To learn more about Vanessa, click here.
Stacy Like Angela, Stacy has been teaching at The Yoga Room since the beginning. Stacy is a very calm and peaceful lady and her teaching style is gentle and soothing. In addition to being a yoga teacher, Stacy is a massage therapist, doula, and herbalist. She has a great depth of knowledge when it comes to pregnancy and how to keep a woman's body healthy and easeful during the childbearing year.
Stacy teaches weekly prenatal yoga classes and has two unique workshops coming up... Birthing with Massage & Yoga is a comprehensive 3 hour training for couples who are interested in using the principles of massage and yoga for a peaceful childbirth. And Conscious Conception is a 6 week series that focuses on improving fertility with yoga. This series begins in September. In addition, she also teaches private lessons for
- Easing common discomforts of pregnancy
- Preparing for childbirth
- Recovery from childbirth
- Recovery from joint or back injury or surgery
- Reducing joint or back pain
- Yoga for Breast Cancer Recovery
In this video, Stacy and I talk about her upcoming workshops and what inspires her as a yoga teacher.
To learn more about Stacy, click here.
Kali is one of the newer additions to our teaching staff because she recently relocated to the Austin area. She left her job in Corporate America to focus on teaching yoga and wellness full time. Kali teaches therapeutic Gentle Yoga classes and Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis. In addition, she offers private lessons for
- Emotional eating issues (binging, overeating, and chronic dieting)
- Yoga for Depression & Anxiety
- Yoga for PTSD
My teaching style is very much influenced by the yoga lessons I received at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai, India. At the Krishnamacharya School they only offer private, therapeutic sessions, and my experience there became a huge influence in my style of teaching.
I teach mostly Gentle Yoga and Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis. I sometimes sub for Stacy and Angela in their Prenatal and Chair Yoga classes.
Our small class sizes allow me to check in with each student at the start of the class to get an update on how they're doing and what they're working with in their body. I design the practice to provide the maximum benefit for the people in attendance. I love this customized style of teaching.
I find private lessons to be an even more customized version of my classes, where I can really dial in and create a personalized practice that will provide the maximum benefit for a single person. I teach private lessons for
- Recovery from joint or back injury or surgery
- Reducing joint or back pain
- Mental health issues (ADHD, Autism), especially for children and adolescents
- Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis
- Yoga for Cancer Recovery
If you're interested in more information about me, you can find it here.
Yoga for EveryBody
My intention with this long post is to really put it out there that Yoga for EveryBody is more than just our tagline. Yoga really is for every body.
I'd like to let the people of Round Rock and the surrounding areas to know that yoga can help them with whatever is going on in their bodies. Back pain, neck pain, hip pain, and shoulder pain are especially common issues that we work with every day in our Gentle and therapeutic classes.
The Yoga Room is an incredibly welcoming and friendly environment with a lovely community of yogis and our teachers LOVE to help people feel more easeful in their bodies. I invite you to come visit us soon and often, and please tell your friends and family about us!
Lots of love,