When I designed the curriculum for our Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (the first prenatal yoga school in Texas!), it was driven by need. There was a serious need for a teacher training program to educate yoga teachers who felt called do a better job of supporting pregnant women. Pregnancy is such a pivotal time in a woman's life. I remember many aspects of my yoga practice while pregnant - the loving and sacred space created by the yoga teacher, the realization that my body was changing every day as a human grew inside me, the emotional reconciliation of transitioning from being an woman to becoming a mother. It was huge for me.
I think people who are drawn to support pregnant women understand the magnitude of change happening in this phase of a woman's life. They know there's a magic at work. They may even have a sense that the way we care for women today can create transformation and support for many generations to come.
Mothering the mother is subtle, powerful and important work. Our Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training is designed for those that have a strong desire to nurture women during their journey through the childbearing years.
We'd love to talk more with you about what we offer at our Open House this Saturday, February 28th from 1 to 2 PM at The Yoga Room in Round Rock, TX. If you live out of town, you can join us for the Open House via Google hangout webinar. Just email us for the link.
Best regards,
Director Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training