This Friday marks the end of the 40 Day Challenge, where we've challenged participants to attend 30 yoga classes in 40 days. It's often daunting for participants to commit to such consistent practice, but the benefits they experience are so worth it!
Here is a sample of the comments and feedback we've received so far. For me, it's so heartwarming to read about the benefits the participants are experiencing. It validates my having chosen this work, sharing yoga and its benefits. Yoga teachers know first hand the benefits that come along with consistent yoga practice, but it's so gratifying when our students begin to share in the experience...
"It's been fantastic to connect with myself. I've noticed I'm standing up straighter, a little more in tune with my heart and much more focused. I also sleep like I've been doing yoga every day!"
"I am fully enjoying the 40 day challenge as it is bringing much needed clarity in my life. I started Yoga to help with stress at work, I never thought it could help de-stress my life. I find myself taking moments out of each day to just be present. Enjoying the weather, my dog or quietness in my backyard. This has been a life changing experience for me and I have all the instructors to thank. Not only am I relieving stress from my body but my mental state is expandable in so many wonderful ways."
"I have noticed that I am more relaxed overall, and energized at the same time. I find everyday stresses a little easier to deal with. I think I have taken classes with four different teachers and I enjoy what each brings to the practice. I have always done yoga through a gym where yoga is not the primary focus; I am enjoying the perspective that comes with an exclusive yoga studio."
"Definitely reached outside my comfort zone some and finding more openness in some poses and more tightness in others. Seems some days are tight after a very great day and then the next makes 3 jumps forward again. Looking forward to the rest of the challenge."
"Yoga has helped with flexibility and I am finding I have more energy and sleep better."
"I haven't tried any new teachers or classes yet, but I still plan to. I am very happy that I'm taking Ellen's sequencing workshops, though. The first one last week got me thinking a little differently about my practice. When I was checking in with myself at the beginning of a class or home practice, I was focusing mostly on how I was feeling physically. It hadn't really occurred to me that I could also focus on my energy level & emotional state and how I could change those through my practice."
"I've noticed that doing several days in a row gives me extra energy and restful sleep. I hope to make it a daily practice and this seems like a great way to start. Thank you for the challenge."
"I have truly enjoyed my 40 Day Yoga Challenge. I have notice the difference in my breathing, core and more awareness to my body. While I was out traveling on Friday and Saturday, I was able to notice when my body needed to take time for dedicated practice. I am grateful for the opportunity!!"
"I'm loving the challenge so far! That pinched nerve thing in my bottom hasn't happened since I've been coming every day. I feel like I can move around so much better in my daily life without so many limitations from aches and pains. I feel more energized after class. I've tried some different classes. It's been good! It also helps my attitude and outlook on life :)"
"Tonight I recognized the change in me as a result of the 40 day challenge. Near the end of Beth's Hatha II class, she called for pigeon pose, and I thought "Yeah, pigeon pose!" A month ago I thought many things were difficult, but now they are just the next thing to master. I didn't think I could make it through a Hatha II class. It is a tough workout, but I get through it each time."
"Last Saturday I got my monthly massage after the 9:45 class. My massage therapist said that he noticed a difference. He said that yoga is taking care of the easy issues in my body so that he can focus on the deeper, more foundational issues."
"The physical experience has been exceptionally rewarding for me. I feel stronger, and more peaceful. My anxiety and stress level has plummeted, which is enormously important because I have an underlying inflammatory auto-immune condition impacting my digestive system. During the time in which I have been practicing yoga, it has been fully dormant, even during periods of time or situations that would typically be triggers for me. I will definitely continue to practice yoga after the 40 days is over, maybe 2-3 days a week in the studio, and the other days at home to maintain a better life balance for me. So far I am still on track to complete the challenge, and I am very grateful for the opportunity and motivation to push myself to try different classes, and different instructors, but most of all to make a dedicated effort, and not deal in excuses."
"I have noticed positive outcomes from my increased yoga practice! Less achy, more flexible, toned, and calm! I have enjoyed trying new classes."
"I've been enjoying the challenge a lot. It has opened my mind to start taking more time for myself. The hardest part so far is trying to work it into my work life. My hours are crazy so it's hard to make it to classes, so I may not make it to the end day but I am making sure that I focus more on my practice."
Isn't this amazing and so inspirational?
If these quotes have motivated you to get started with yoga, check out our Beginners Series, our Class Schedule, and/or our free YouTube videos. If you have a specific concern or health issue, we'd be more than happy to work with you in Private Lessons. Just give us a call with any questions and we'll help you get started.
Lots of Love,