Someone very close to me had a serious health scare this week. We spent half a day waiting on additional tests, and luckily it turned out that the situation is not nearly as bad as we initially thought. After the shock wore off, I got to thinking about what I could have done, or what I can do now, to help improve the health of my sweet loved one. And for that matter, help improve the health of all my loved ones near and far, including family, friends, you, and all of your family and friends.
So in this newsletter I’ve pulled together a list of our very best free resources for home yoga practice. Pick your favorites and use them to integrate 10 minutes of simple yoga practice into your daily routine. And If you have more than 10 minutes, great! You can do 10 minutes two or three times per day, or even come see us for a class at the studio. But if you have only 10 minutes, we’ve got you covered with these free resources.
Based on what I learned at MD Anderson, mind-body practices like yoga and meditation have been scientifically proven (and published in medical journals) to improve health and aid in healing.
Many of our own students at The Yoga Room have had their cholesterol, blood pressure, and/or diabetes medicines reduced or even eliminated by their doctors because their health improved so much with consistent yoga practice. How awesome is that?!
We know it's not always possible to find time to practice yoga at a yoga studio. Or maybe there's no yoga studio in your town, or maybe there's not the right kind of yoga studio in your town, or maybe you've never practiced yoga before and you're intimidated to step foot in a yoga studio.
No worries, you can use these resources to practice yoga at home. You'll feel the benefits of better health, and I bet your loved ones will be thrilled to know that you're doing all you can to live a long and healthy life.
Oh, and one more thing. Everybody (I mean it! Every Body!) can practice yoga, it’s just a matter of finding the right practice. Sometimes the right practice is not even yoga poses, it might be breathing practice or relaxation practice. So even if you’re in a wheelchair or on strict bed rest, you can still practice some kind of yoga.
Here is the list of resources. Even if a particular title doesn’t seem to apply to you, I encourage you to check it out anyway. These are great short practices that EveryBody can do.
Easy Yoga for Relaxation {printable document} Yoga for Computer Users {3:12} Yoga for People Who Aren’t Flexible (Yet!) {7:25} Yoga for Fibromyalgia {19:28, great practice for Every Body} Yoga for People Who Stand at Work {7:23} Gentle Yoga for Neck & Shoulder Pain (20:11} Yoga for the Upper Back, Neck, and Shoulders {11:13} Gentle Yoga to Release Stress {8:34} Fun Yoga to Free Up Your Hips and Shoulders {4:25} Restorative Yoga For When You're Exhausted {11:53} Yoga for Road Trips {6:09} Yoga for Stressed Out Mommies {9:28}
Please let me know if you have any questions at all. You can post a comment (if you're reading this on Facebook or on our blog) or email me. I look forward to your questions and your success stories!