Over the past few weeks we’ve been hard at work planning the Class Schedule for the beginning of 2016. You might think planning the Class Schedule is a quick and easy job, but it’s actually very challenging. Every time I update the Class Schedule, I have to take into account a lot of competing priorities.
I need to consider which class types tend to work in which time slots, which actually means two different things: which classes are popular at which times, and which classes are theoretically beneficial at which times. For example, early in the morning and late at night, gentle classes are beneficial because they help us ease into our day and help us wind down so we can sleep well at night.
I also need to consider teacher availability, which means scheduling around the teachers’ full time job work schedules, outside teaching schedules, childcare availability, and rush hour.
One of my personal priorities is to schedule teachers for classes they love to teach. Sure, all of our teachers are great and could probably teach any class type in a pinch, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re confident and enthusiastic in teaching every class type.
I want teachers to be in the zone and the best way to accomplish that is to allow them teach their area of expertise. It’s one way I can help them stoke their enthusiasm and avoid burnout, and give them the opportunity to further refine their teaching. We teachers learn so much from our students.
My other personal priority is to minimize change. I pretty much never do a radical overhaul of the schedule. I try to keep things as consistent as possible so that it’s easy to remember when your favorite teachers teach.
Now that you’ve had a peak behind the scenes, here is our schedule for January 2nd through March 2016. Please note we will have a special schedule for New Year’s Day which we’ll announce next week. Keep reading for a list of the changes as compared to our current schedule.
(Click on the schedule for a printable version.)
Monday 6:45 p.m. changes to Vinyasa Flow with Iyone 7:30 p.m. changes to Gentle with Susan
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. Free Meditation Session with Zelinda (NEW!)
Thursday 8:00 a.m. Self-Guided Practice with Cony (NEW!)
Sunday 9:15 a.m. changes to Vinyasa Flow with Iyone 10:30 a.m. changes to Gentle with Iyone 5:00 p.m. Yoga for Cancer with Stacy (NEW!)
P.S. Do you live or work near Dell in Round Rock? A person with an eye disability (who is unable to drive) reached out to us, wondering if we know of anyone in his area who might be able to give him a ride to and from any Gentle or Restorative classes on weekends, or weekdays after 5PM. Interested in helping out a fellow yogi? Email us at info@rryogaroom.com, and we'll connect you!