Late last week I returned from my trip and I've slowly been settling back in to normal life.
Studying yoga in India broadened my scope of awareness in unexpected ways. I learned a lot of new, subtle aspects of the practice that have made everything new for me again.
I’m still processing it all and working out the details of some new classes for the studio, but in the meantime I’d like to offer some food for thought.
Yoga is vast, and it’s for EveryBody. It can help you find ease in your body and in your mind. It’s just a matter of finding the right practice for you. A good teacher can help guide you in finding the right practice.
With a knowledgable teacher, every kind of yoga has its benefits.
Observe yourself with an open mind and an open heart, in your practice and also in life. Notice what feels right, notice what doesn’t. With good, close observation, your practice (and life) will evolve. Allow the evolution, continue along your path.
Practice yoga consistently. Find a practice you can do every day. There is so much value in dedicated, consistent practice, and you begin to understand the benefits only by experiencing them.
Seek out the motivation or help you need to develop your consistent practice: schedule a private lesson with your teacher, or with me, attend an intensive or retreat, register for an interesting workshop, or take a beginners series (even if you’re not a beginner!). Seek out ways to keep the momentum going.

Since I've been home, I’ve received so many questions about my trip. I’d love to catch up with everyone, so we’ve organized an event next weekend called Stories from India. It’s Sunday, July 10th, from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m., and it’s open to the public, so please feel free to invite a friend. I’ll share stories from my trip and we can discuss any questions that come up along the way. And we'll have homemade masala chai tea that I learned to make from my mother in law during my trip. I hope you can come!

All my best, Zelinda