Hello, Lovely! I missed you last week! As you know, we've been on a real estate roller coaster for the past few weeks and somehow I didn't get around to writing last week's newsletter. A quick real estate update: we are in the beginning stages of negotiation on a property. I can't divulge too many details, but please stay tuned. I'll have another update next week.
This week I made a new video for you: Yoga for the Feet. It's a yoga practice you do with your feet, but it benefits the whole body. Huh, you ask? Well...
The feet are the foundation of the body, but we often neglect our feet badly. For most people, their feet spend most of their lives inside shoes, where they have little opportunity to move.
When feet don't get exercise, they become inflexible and weak, and they can cause the ankles, knees, and hips to move into unhealthy alignment. This can cause undue wear and tear, as well as pain, throughout the body.
Yoga for your feet is an easy, no-cost way to make sure your feet are both flexible and strong so that they create a stable foundation for your body. Plus, flexible, strong feet look really pretty!
Try it out! Then please let me know how it goes for you. Do find that your knee pain is gone? Do you feel taller? Do your shoulders feel more relaxed? Please post your thoughts in the Comments below!
Until next week,
Lots of love,