It's been a busy few weeks since our last newsletter, and I sure have missed you! I hope you're doing great! This week I'm really excited to announce a fresh new offering from The Yoga Room! Coming up April 2 & 3, Angela and I will be hosting TYR's first Yoga Staycation.
You've heard of staycations before. More than just a stay-at-home vacation, ours is a stay-at-home yoga retreat!
The theme of our April Yoga Staycation is Relaxation for Health and Healing. It's meant for people who are at a place in their life where they know they need to get their stress under control and take better care of themselves. You can read more about it here. Please note that space is limited, so if you're interested in joining us please register soon to secure your spot.
Aside from the Staycation, things are great at TYR. We just launched our 2016 Yoga Teacher Training program over the weekend, and our 2015 Trainees graduate next month! It's not too early to start thinking about Teacher Training in 2017. You can read about that here. Please note that beginning in 2017, we will offer our 200 hour Training only every other year. Stay tuned next week for the announcement about what we're offering in even numbered years. :)
And lastly, I'm offering a workshop on the Yamas and Niyamas (yoga ethics) this Saturday. I love yoga philosophy, and the Yamas and Niyamas provide endless food for thought. There are only a couple of spots remaining. If you'd like to join me, you can register here.
I hope you have a great day and I look forward to seeing you soon!